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Our Hedgehog Collection in Support of the British Hedgehog Preservation Society

Did you know that the beloved UK hedgehog is on the red list for being vulnerable to extinction? That is why for the whole of 2024, we are delighted to announce that we will be supporting, with their kind permission, the important work of the British Hedgehog Preservation Society (BHPS) by donating 10% of our profits from our new eco hedgehog stationery range. 

The British Hedgehog Preservation Society (BHPS) is a registered UK Charity, founded in 1982, dedicated to helping & protecting hedgehogs native to the UK (Erinaceus europaeus). Through their campaigns, advocacy and educational projects they work to raise awareness of the practical steps we can take to help reverse the decline of hedgehogs in the wild, improve their welfare and safeguard the future of this much-loved animal. They also fund research that provides important new insights into the conservation and welfare of hedgehogs. 

Visit and follow BHPS on Facebook, X, Instagram and LinkedIn.

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